Why Hair
Loss Happens?
Are you the perfect match for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Octain?
Answer these questions to determine.
Are you really concerned about your hair loss?
Do you want to know how you can stop it and like a number of our patients get re-growth?
Do you want to know the truth about hair loss (and not hear false promises)?
Are you motivated enough to do something about your hair loss?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to call and schedule a consultation!
Autoimmune Diseases
An immune reaction attacks the hair follicles, producing antibodies that attack these tissues as if they were foreign invaders
Connective Tissue Disease
Causes scarring of skin, loss of circulation to hair follicle and autoimmune reaction leading to temporary or permanent loss of hair
Exposure to Toxic Chemicals
Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of lethal and damaging chemicals which can accelerate normal hair loss
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Very common with woman but also can effect men.
Androgenic Alopecia
The body’s immune system is sensitized to increased levels of DHT in the scalp causing hair loss in these high concentrated DHT areas
Hormonal Changes
Due to pregnancy, birth control pills and menopause
Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid disease cause hair to become brittle and break resulting in localized or generalized loss
Certain vitamins prescription and over the counter, may have individual and non specific side effects of hair loss
Usually temporary and transient of the alopecia areata type.
The body's reaction to harsh chemotherapy drugs results in the loss of hair
Fungal/Bacterial Infection
Impetigo and tinea capitis are known to increase hair loss
Environmental Reactions
A reaction to your environment where hair loss is almost like an allergic reaction